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After you buy your chihuahua puppy

You have just purchased a Chihuahua, one of the world’s smallest dogs, these little pets need special care, especially if you purchased one of the extra-tiny or teacup puppies. These small puppies can be as fragile and vulnerable as a premature newborn baby and need plenty of love and care to get them through. Without proper care and attention your puppy can suffer from Hypoglycemia, dehydration, etc. – So give PLENTY of LOVE and ATTENTION, plus with food, water, and proper care your puppy should last you around 18 years.


Instructions for Tiny and Toy Breed Puppies:


Feeding instructions: Use your choice of dry and wet dog food, preferably puppy food. Mix the dry and wet food at a 50/50 ratio. In about 90 days start feeding dry food only. Make sure the puppy has food and water close at all times.

Nutrical: Give twice a day after meals or in between as a snack. Follow the proportions directions on the label.


Rest: Make sure your puppy gets plenty of rest. Don’t let him or her play for too long of periods of time. Fifteen minutes should be the maximum for handling and play for the first 2 weeks. Leave them alone so they will rest and eat, while you are with them his/her attention will be on you and not caring for itself.


Lethargic: If your puppy becomes lethargic, give it immediately Nutrical or 3 teaspoons full of honey, karo syrup, or maple syrup. This will help raise the puppy’s blood sugar level. If symptoms continue call or take the puppy to the vet immediately.


Sleeping and Living Conditions: Give your puppy a clean, dry, and warm place to sleep. Provide a heating pad if necessary, at all times following the heating pad manufacturer’s directions on use. Keep the cord away from the puppy at all times and make sure the heating pad can be used around damp locations (puppies have been known to wet their bed.).


Problems You May Encounter:


Hypoglycemia: This is when your puppy suddenly becomes lethargic, seems weak, stumbles, and begins shaking and seems to be cold, refuses to eat, and has pale gums. Sometimes they will also be depressed and do not have much of an appetite.

Solution: Immediately give the puppy Nutrical or 3 teaspoons full of honey or karo syrup, then feed. Continue to do this every 4 hours even throughout the night. You may even have to hand feed the puppy to make it eat.

Causes of Hypoglycemia: Stress, over exertion, missing a meal, and no rest or a combination of the four (4).


Coughing: If you puppy is coughing, don’t panic, it is probably nothing more than the equivalent to a human cold. It will usually only last 5 – 7 days, if longer see you vet immediately. Although the cough and hacking is annoying and concerning it usually does not develop into anything more serious. However is the coughing persists or worsens or your puppy sounds congested contact your vet immediately. If you choose, you may use Robitussin-Dm cough suppressant child’s dosage to help reduce the coughing. Use ¼ teaspoon per 5 pounds puppy weight, three (3) times daily or every 8 hours.


Kennel Cough: A dry hacking cough and shortness of breath. It is caused by a combination of stress, temperature variation, and is usually produced by a viral agent. See above for treatment and concerns.


Diarrhea: Nervousness and a change of environment and food can cause your puppy’s stools to be loose, diarrhea. If the diarrhea lasts more than two (2) days contact your vet. During the 2 days make sure your puppy is eating and drinking plenty of water, dehydration is a concern.


Worms: The most common types of worms puppies get are the Tapeworm and Roundworm. Don’t panic, all puppies get worms. Should you see worms in your puppy’s stool consult your vet for worm treatment. Usually they will give it to you over the counter to administer yourself. A tapeworm looks like a grain of rice in the stool. Roundworm looks like a thin spaghetti noodle.


Blood in the stool: You may notice bright red blood in the puppy’s stool generally this is a case of Coccidia. The blood may also be due to a broken blood vessel when the puppy defecates. Whether the blood is due to Coccidia or the puppy straining it is best to contact your vet immediately.


Genetic Disorders: Canine Inherited Disorders Database - This is a site that gives you the common genetic disorders of a Chihuahua, with possible treatment and severity of the problem. Some of the problems are: Retained baby teeth, bad bite, hypoglycemia, patellar luxation, cleft palate, heart defects, entropion, shoulder dislocation, and lens luxation.


The Teeth: Malocclusion Of Teeth - This is a site that gives you detailed information on the different bites and how the teeth should line up.


The Micro Chip: Avid Microchip - This is a site that gives you detailed information on the reason to use micro chips for permanent identification for your pet.


General Care and Information on the Chihuahua: I want a Chihuahua ... now what? - This site is great, it has a lot of general information and answers to many common questions. I recommend you check it out.


Show or Pet Quality?: What is a Pet Chihuahua? - This site explains the difference between what breeders refer to as a Pet Chihuahua and a Show Chihuahua.


Showing your Chihuahua: AKC Conformation Page - This site is for information on the point system used in shows, locating up coming shows, list of winners, etc. The place to go for information if you are interested in showing your puppy.


Ears Drooping: Some puppies ears come up early and some are late to rise, some will come up as late as one year of age. Then again with some they will be up today and down tomorrow. Professional breeders say that once a puppy’s ears come up they will always come back up even if they droop today and that it is very rare for a puppy’s ears never to stand up. Sometimes if a puppy has just had it’s shots or been wormed his/her ears will probably droop for a day or two, maybe even three or four. Touching their ears and petting them backwards will not harm them or cause them to go flat or droop in fact it may help them to stand up sooner. You’ll also find that the ear size can very between puppies, some have small ears and some will have the flying nun ears.


Potty Training: Puppies do not have complete control over their body functions until they are about 6 months old. You will have to take your puppy to the area you want him to do his business often. Get to know your puppy, learn to predict when your puppy has to go to the potty. Usually the best times to take them are immediately after waking up, eating, or drinking. There are other signs to look for such as they will run around almost frantic, acting worried and whining. Sniffing too diligently around areas is also a good clue. As soon as any of the signs appear take your puppy immediately to the potty area. Give him or her plenty of praise for going were you want them to. If your puppy has already started his business when you catch it, pick him/her up firmly but gently and give a firm “no” command and take him to the area you wish him to go. Give plenty of love and praise for finishing the job in the right place.


Molera:Information on the issues of Molera.


Vaccinations: New information on when and how often your puppy should be Vaccinated.


Home Remedies: These Remedies are helpful information only and should NOT meant to take the place of seeing your Vet.


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